Its finally up!
The second issue is finally done. It took a long time, but I hope it is worth the wait.
Health, and jobs, and travel have all interfered. I did the best I could, And now its done at last.
I always figured the second issue of a publication was the critical one. The first is an accomplishment,
most projects never leave the mind of the one who imagines them,
but the enthusiasm for the new idea can help push the work along.
But the second, that is what shows that it can be an ongoing thing.
In this issue I present 5 short stories, and a featured artist.
A new feature of the site this issue is e-mail updates. It appears my publication schedule will be
somewhat erratic
(and the authors who have been waiting for their work to be published will think that an understatement).
However, if you provide me an e-mail address I will let you know when new issues are published.
Follow the link "Get Updates" at the top of the page for more information.
David Stokes,
Editor, Parageography.